Video Resources

There are very few good video resources to learn bowls that are provided by the governing bodies of the UK. Many of the best coaching or tactics videos are from Australia and New Zealand, and also Canada. BowlsWales does have a small selection which are included first on this page.


The WIBA and WLIBA when making these videos set out to give online access to our young bowlers who may not have club coaches, the opportunity to view tips and techniques on demand.

Although these are filmed indoors, they apply to outdoor bowling also.

For further information please visit: BowlsWales Coaching

Auckland Bowls ‘Bowls Basics’

A great series of videos explaining the basics. Auckland Bowls ‘Bowls Basics’ series is a resource for new and experienced lawn bowlers to help develop their game. Each of the short videos focuses on a key element of playing lawn bowls.

Bowls Australia

A good video from Bowls Canada Boulingrin on delivery.

A good video where some of the greats of the game give an insight into their game. Although a few years old, it is modern in its approach. Originally produced by Bowls England this video contains helpful tips & tricks for beginners and advanced bowlers alike.

Bryant on Bowls – Top Tips


Never be afraid of experimentation.

1. Always concentrate on control – line and length.

2. Ensure that each and every delivery is well grounded.

3. Look at the line and never the target.

4. Try different sizes, weights and bias before buying a set of bowls. If uncertain, ask a coach or experienced player to help you choose.

5. Once you have decided on your shot, banish half-heartedness. Imagine the path of your bowl, deliver it firmly and take good care of your follow through.

6. Applaud when your opponent makes a good shot…then tell yourself quietly, ‘and now I’ll show you a better one’.

7. Accidents are the result of poor preparation. Ensure that every detail is right each time you walk on the green.

8. If you are to play a match, get to the green early, absorb the surroundings and try to foresee how the green will play.

9. Be sure you know the rules back to front. Remember, they often change.

10. Remember, the cradle grip is best on heavy greens but fast greens need a good touch. That comes best from your fingers.

11. If you bump or skid your bowl when delivering, your accuracy will suffer. So always take care to ‘ground’ each delivery.

12. If you are leading, your task is to outbowl your opposite number…but from where the skip (not you) wants the mat and the jack.

13. Accurate drawing to the jack depends enormously on leg control so never neglect your leg-strengthening exercises.

14. Remove tension with inner calmness to ensure your delivery is always relaxed, smooth and flowing.

15. Always be ready to move that mat and jack around if your opponent is less adaptable than you.

16. Remember it’s easier to adjust to a slower green than to a faster one.

17. A compatible team is considerably stronger than a group of self-centered stars. So always play a positive part in maintaining tranquillity and enthusiasm.

18. Be glad if you suffer from pre-match nerves. It means you are mentally ready for action. Just fix your mind on smooth, imaginary shots and ‘see’ them scoring point after point.

19. When tiredness creeps in skills seep out. So always have a little carbohydrate food and a drink in your bowls bag.

20. Through intensive, intelligent practice, help your subconscious develop a clear picture of your delivery. Then you will be able to draw on it when ‘gremlins’ occasionally cause you troubles.

21. Tension tends to ‘choke’ deliveries. So take care in crises to let your arm and body flow right through and your head stable when you deliver. Keep it in mind.

22. In a two hour singles you will only apply active concentration for around ten minutes. Teach yourself how to make utmost use of those other 110 minutes of passive concentration.

23. Accept that anyone can wreck many of your finest shots or heads. That is an occupational hazard that your must ride…and then hit back.

24. When skipping, be clear and positive with your instructions…and also very confident.

25. Do not take silly risks when ahead. Keep the ends tight. Being brash often gives away a five, shatters confidence and concentration and leads to ultimate defeat.

26. Try and work out a flexible match plan well before you start to play.

27. Live completely in the ‘now’. Total concentration on each second prohibits negative thoughts and eases tension.

28. Stay calm when fortune seems against you, so preventing your opponent from winning the next end as well as the one that has just finished. Forget about feeling sorry for yourself; your turn will come.

29. If the spectators are noisy and partisan, concentrate on your breathing and stay calm. On no account be tempted to risk an “I’ll show you how super-shot”. That’s asking for defeat.

30. No matter how long the match, believe you can keep trying longer than your opponent, stay unwaveringly patient and hang on until he breaks down.

We have qualified bowls coaches in the club who can help you. Just ask.