CONSTITUTION 2023 (latest version)
The Club shall be called “Millwood Bowling Club”, hereinafter referred to as “The Club” and its headquarters shall be at Broad Close, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 7LX
The object of “The Club” shall be: –
a) To provide facilities for bowling and enforce the Laws of the Sport of Bowls as laid down by the WBA and WWBA.
b) To hold representative and friendly matches with other Bowls Clubs and Associations.
c) To hold annual and other competitions.
d) To provide such social amenities for members as are approved by the Management Committee.
e) To adopt whatever measures it may deem expedient in furtherance of the foregoing objectives.
a) Membership shall be open to all, irrespective of disability, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender or sexuality and “The Club” shall strive to eliminate racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination in the sport of bowls.
b) Membership shall be subject to the payment of an Annual Subscription Fee to “The Club” and such additional fees that may be levied by “The Club” at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
c) Persons shall be elected to Membership upon proposal by one member and seconded by another member. Such proposal to be in writing, signed by the proposer, seconder and the candidate for Membership and such proposal must be submitted to the relevant Secretary.
d) “The Club” shall consist of Life, Playing, Junior and Non-playing Members. The Management Committee shall have full powers to regulate the Membership of «The Club”.
e) A Playing Member shall be a member, aged 18 or over, who has paid the full appropriate membership subscription fee to “The Club”.
f) A Junior Member shall be under 18 on the 1st April.
The Management Committee shall have power to elect as Life Member, without payment of any further subscription, any Member who, in the opinion of the Management Committee, has rendered services to the Club, but such election shall not take effect unless and until confirmed at the Annual General Meeting next ensuing the date of such election. There shall not be more than five honorary Life Members at any one time.
The Annual Subscription for Playing and Non-Playing Members shall be agreed by the Management Committee at a pre-season meeting of the Management Committee and members to be informed at the relevant General Pre-Season Meeting. Subscriptions shall be due on the 30th Day of APRIL in every year.
The Management Committee shall keep at “The Club” a Register of Members, with all names, postal and e-mail addresses, landline and mobile telephone numbers. Members must inform the Secretary of any
change of details; any such changes shall be entered in the Register of Members. All notices sent to such an address on the Register shall be deemed to have been duly received. The names of those who cease to be members for any reason whatsoever shall be erased from the Register.
A Membership Card shall be issued to each member on payment of the appropriate Subscription fee. Members shall produce their Membership Card for examination on the request of the Management Committee.
a) “The Club” shall be administered by a Management Committee elected annually at the AGM, and Officials, elected annually by the relevant Sections, consisting of the following: –
• Chairperson
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Co-Ordinators (2 x Male}
• Co-Ordinators (2 x Female)
OFFICIALS (non-Management Committee)
• Fixture Secretaries (Male/Female)
• Captains (Male/Female}
• Selectors (3 xMale, 3 xFemale)
• Competitions Secretary
b) A member wishing to be nominated for Management Committee or other Office of “The Club” should be a fully affiliated Member. No Committee Member or Officer to hold office in any other club.
c} Quorum for meetings of the Management Committee shall be four (4) committee members.
d) The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint members to any sub-committees and may delegate to them such powers and responsibilities as the Management Committee may deem necessary.
e) The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the Administration during its period of office.
f) Members are authorised to claim reasonable expenses for duties carried out on behalf of “The Club”
a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held every year on a day in the month of November to be decided by the Management Committee.
b) Twenty-Eight (28) days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be postal or electronically mailed to all members. The notice to include an Agenda specifying the order of business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting and shall be deemed to be a notice to all members.
c) The Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting within twenty-one (21) days after being requested to do so by the Management Committee or by a requisition signed by at least ten (10) members. The notice calling the Extraordinary General Meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting and the matter of issue. The Notice of Meeting shall be posted on the Club Notice Board or be postal or electronically mailed to all members. No other business shall be transacted at this meeting.
d) Notices of Motion for the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days before the meeting date. This notice of motion shall be signed by the proposer and seconder and such proposal must be submitted to the Secretary.
e) Nominations sheet for election to the Management Committee shall be placed on the Club Notice Board not less than Twenty-Eight (28) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations to be signed by the Proposer and Seconder and accepted by the Nominee.
f) Nominations sheet for election of Officials shall be placed on the relevant Notice Board not less than Twenty-Eight (28) days before the date of the section meeting. Nominations to be signed by the Proposer and Seconder and accepted by the Nominee.
g) The Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, a nominee from the Management Committee
shall preside at all General Meetings.
h) No business shall be transacted at any Annual or Extraordinary Meeting unless twenty-five (25) members are present.
i) All decisions at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be by a show of hands. Votes can only be taken from members present, (no proxy votes or postal votes).
Election of Officer voting with more than one nomination will be done by secret ballot. Tellers nominated from the floor will be responsible for counting all votes.
j) The Chairperson’s decision as to the result of voting on any matter shall be final and an entry in the Minute Book, signed by the Chair of the Meeting, shall be conclusive of the terms of any resolution and of the result of voting on the matter. - k) Only full paying and Life Members (i.e. not Social or Junior) shall have the right to vote at Annual General or Extraordinary General Meetings of “The Club”.
a) The Chairperson
Shall maintain order throughout meetings and progress meetings according to a specified agenda.
b) The Secretary
Shall keep a record of the business transacted at all meetings of the Management Committee and shall submit to the Annual General Meeting a report of the proceedings since the previous Annual General Meeting.
c) The Treasurer
Shall keep the accounts of “The Club” and shall report on all “The Club” finances to the Management Committee meetings and present a statement of Income and Expenditure together with a Balance Sheet for the year ending 30th September to the Annual General Meeting. The accounts are to be audited by the auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting. No Officer or member of the Management Committee shall be eligible to serve as an auditor. The Treasurer shall pay all monies received into a bank account in the name of “The Club” at a bank approved by the Management Committee, and cheques and other transactions and directions to the bankers to be signed by two of three named Officers authorised by the Management Committee.
d) Men’s/Ladies Co-Ordinators
Shall co-ordinate relevant Section meetings, bring concerns/proposals to the Management Committee meetings and organise proceedings/finances on match days.
a) The Captains
Each Men’s and Ladies Captains shall arrange and allocate rinks on match day and communicate ,with opposition
b) The Selectors
Each Men’s and Ladies Selection Committees to be responsible for selecting all teams and sides representing their sections including special matches
c) The Fixture Secretaries
Each Men’s and Ladies Fixture Secretary shall in consultation with the Management Committee make
all arrangements in connection with “The Club” Fixtures.
d) The Competitions Secretary
Responsible for arranging all internal competitions. The Secretary shall be the sole authority for interpreting the rules of the Competitions and for settling disputes relating to the Competitions. e) The Auditor
To verify all Club accounts
The Management Committee and members of the Management Committee shall not be liable (otherwise as members) for any loss suffered by the club as a result of the discharge of their respective duties on its behalf except if such loss arises from their respective wilful default. They shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of “The Club” for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in discharge of their respective duties.
a) The Management Committee shall have the authority to allow members of other clubs and visitors to use and enjoy the premises and facilities of “The Club” for any period not exceeding one month (subject to discretion). Such visitors shall not be entitled to vote at any meetings of members.
b) Members and Non-members shall comply with instructions given by notices or markings displayed within the club premises or within its cartilage whether placed by “The Club” or any Statutory Authority.
c) Members and Non-members shall not misuse or abuse furniture, fittings or fabric of the building.
d) “The Club” shall allocate lockers to paid up Club Members. Non-payment of fees will result in the Member forfeiting use of such locker.
e) Club bowls can only be taken from “The Club” with the permission of the Hon Secretary and must be returned to “The Club” immediately after the game for which they were used has been completed.
All players participating in Leagues, Tournaments, Competitions or Representative matches shall be fully paid up Playing or Junior Members of “The Club”. Match fees must be paid prior to or during matches. Failure to pay will result in non-selection for: all subsequent matches or until the matter is resolved.
a) The Management Committee shall prepare, enforce and administer the Constitution.
b) Copies of the Constitution will be displayed on the Club Notice Board. Individual copies can be obtained from the Secretary.
a) Alterations or additions to all or any of the foregoing Constitution shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. Twenty One (21) days written notice of the terms of such proposal, signed by proposer and seconder, must be given to the Secretary.
b) No proposal for alteration of the Constitution shall be deemed to have been passed at any General Meeting unless at least two-thirds of the votes are cast in favour of the change.
The Management Committee shall be the sole authority for interpreting the Constitution of “The Club” and for settling disputes relating to the affairs of “The Club” or the conduct of members and visitors. Any resolution passed by the Management Committee within the scope of its powers and any resolution or amendment of the Constitution passed by the members at an Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting shall become operative on the passing thereof.
If the Management Committee by a simple majority decides at any time that on grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve “The Club” it shall call a Meeting of all Members of “The Club” who have the power to vote at which Meeting not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be posted to all Members. If such decision shall be confirmed, majority of those present and voting at such Meeting the Management Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of “Tue Club”. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debt and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable purposes as the Management Committee may decide and agreed by the majority of Members.
The Management Committee shall have the power to expel any member of “The Club” whose conduct shall in the opinion of the Management Committee render him/her unfit for Membership of “‘The Club”. Before any such Member is expelled the Secretary shall give him/her seven days written. notice to attend a Meeting of the Management Committee and shall inform him/her of the complaint/s made against him/her. No Member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the Management Committee and answering complaint/s made against him/her unless at least two thirds of the Management Committee then present vote in favour of his/her expulsion. No Member whose Membership has been terminated under this rule or who owes money to “The Club” shall be introduced by any Member as a visitor to any part of “The Millwood” premises.
“The Club” has adopted the policies and procedures for Vulnerable Adult, Child Protection, Data Protection (GDPR) and Health and Safety, as contained in the WBA and WWBA Constitutions.
“The Club” shall not be responsible for any loss of personal belongings lost or damaged within the Club Grounds.
22. No member of another club shall be allowed to participate in any internal Millwood club competitions.